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“Understanding Depression: Symptoms, Causes, and Effective Ways to Overcome It”


According to American Psychiatric Association Major depressive disorder (MDD), another name for depression, is a prevalent and dangerous mood condition that has a detrimental impact on a person’s feelings, thoughts, and behavior. Persistent melancholy, a decline in interest in once-enjoyed activities, and a variety of emotional and physical issues are its hallmarks. The degree of depression varies and affects a person’s capacity to function in day-to-day life.

Sadness is a part of normal human emotions that arises as a result of some specific event such as failure, loss or disappointment. it is a temporary lower mood that lasts for a short period of time not affecting the normal functioning of life and subsides as the person adapts or find a solution. while contrary to that if symptoms last for at least two weeks without any triggering event and interfere with sleep, relationship, appetite and other normal daily activities it is termed as a clinical depression.

Prevalence and Global Impact

According to WHO depression is a common mental disorder. Globally an estimated of 5% of suffer from depression. An estimated 3.8% of people suffer from depression, which includes 5.7% of individuals over 60 and 5% of adults (4% of males and 6% of women). Depression affects over 280 million people worldwide (1). Women are almost 50% more likely than men to experience depression. Depression affects almost 10 percent of pregnant women and women who have recently given birth worldwide (2). Every year, almost 700,000 people lose their lives to suicide. The fourth most common cause of mortality for people aged 15 to 29 is suicide.

More than 75% of people in low- and middle-income countries do not obtain treatment for mental problems, despite the fact that there are proven, efficient treatments for them (3). Lack of funding for mental health services, a shortage of qualified medical professionals, and the stigma attached to mental illnesses are all obstacles to providing good care.

The Blog’s Objective

The purpose of this blog is to Inform the Public About Depression by providing a comprehensive understanding of depression, including its signs, causes, and various manifestations, the site seeks to refute myths and increase awareness. It aims to equip readers with the knowledge they need to recognize and treat depression in others or in themselves.

And To Inform Readers on Depression The blog seeks to dispel common myths and increase awareness by providing a thorough understanding of depression, including its symptoms, causes, and various manifestations. Giving readers the knowledge they need to recognize and treat depression in others or oneself is its goal.

Symptoms of depression

Even though depression can happen just once in a person’s lifetime, most people have several episodes. Symptoms of these episodes last for the majority of the day, almost every day, and can include

  • Feelings of sadness, tearfulness, emptiness or hopelessness
  • Angry outbursts, irritability or frustration, even over small matters
  • Loss of interest or pleasure in most or all normal activities, such as sex, hobbies or sports
  • Sleep disturbances, including insomnia or sleeping too much
  • Tiredness and lack of energy, so even small tasks take extra effort
  • Reduced appetite and weight loss or increased cravings for food and weight gain
  • Anxiety, agitation or restlessness
  • Slowed thinking, speaking or body movements
  • Feelings of worthlessness or guilt, fixating on past failures or self-blame
  • Trouble thinking, concentrating, making decisions and remembering things
  • Frequent or recurrent thoughts of death, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts or suicide
  • Unexplained physical problems, such as back pain or headaches

The symptoms of depression are typically severe enough for many people to have visible difficulties with daily activities, including relationships with others, work, school, and social activities. Some people may be usually dissatisfied or unpleasant without truly understanding why.

Depression symptoms in children and teens

Although there may be some variations, the typical signs and symptoms of depression in kids and teens are comparable to those in adults.

Sadness, irritability, clinginess, concern, aches and pains, refusal to attend school, or underweight are some of the symptoms of depression in younger children.
Teens may experience symptoms such as depression, irritability, anger, feelings of worthlessness and negativity, poor academic performance or attendance, feeling misinterpreted and overly sensitive, abusing drugs or alcohol recreationally, overeating or sleeping, self-harm, losing interest in everyday activities, and avoiding social situations.

Depression symptoms in older adults

Depression should never be treated lightly because it is not a typical aspect of aging. Sadly, older persons who suffer from depression frequently go undetected and untreated, and they may be unwilling to ask for assistance. In older persons, the symptoms of depression may be varied or less evident, including:

Personality changes or memory issues
Aches or pains in the body
Fatigue, appetite loss, difficulty sleeping, or lack of desire in sex that is not brought on by a sickness or drug
Instead of going out to interact or try new things, people frequently prefer to stay at home.
Suicidal thoughts or emotions, particularly in elderly males

When to see a doctor

As soon as possible, schedule a visit with your physician or mental health specialist if you are experiencing depression. Speak with a friend or loved one, a medical professional, a religious leader, or another person you trust if you are hesitant to get therapy.

Causes and risk factors of depression

 Depression is one of the most common mental disorders in the United States. Depression may be influenced by biological, psychological, environmental, and genetic variables, according to research.

Among the risk factors for depression are:

  • Depression in one’s family or personally
  • Significantly detrimental life changes, stress, or trauma

Although depression can strike at any age, it usually first manifests in adulthood. Although children may exhibit more anger or anxiety than sorrow, depression in children and adolescents is now acknowledged to exist. High levels of anxiety in childhood are often the precursor to many chronic mood and anxiety disorders in adults.

Depression can co-occur with other significant medical conditions such diabetes, cancer, heart disease, chronic pain, and Parkinson’s disease, particularly in midlife or later in life. Research indicates that persons who suffer from  depression and other medical illnesses often have more severe symptoms of both conditions, and these conditions are frequently worse when depression is present.

How is depression treated?

Even the most severe symptoms of depression are treatable. Treatment is more successful the earlier it starts. psychotherapymedication, or a combination of the two are typically used to treat depression.

When a person does not improve after taking at least two antidepressant drugs, they may have treatment-resistant depression. Brain stimulation therapy  can be something to look into if psychotherapy and medicine are ineffective at reducing depressed symptoms or if there is an urgent need for quick symptom alleviation.


People with depression can benefit from various forms of psychotherapy, commonly known as talk therapy or counseling, which can teach them new ways of thinking and acting as well as help them break bad patterns that make them feel depressed. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and interpersonal therapy (IPT) are evidence-based methods for treating depression.

In certain situations, consumers can now obtain mental health care more easily and conveniently because to the rise of telehealth, which provides an alternative to in-person therapy. Virtual mental health care could be a simpler choice for those who were previously reluctant to seek mental health treatment.


Depression is frequently treated with antidepressants. They function by altering the way the brain makes or uses specific molecules related to stress or mood. Before you find an antidepressant that helps your symptoms and has tolerable side effects, you might need to try a few different ones. Usually, a drug that has previously helped you or a close relative will be taken into consideration first.

Antidepressants typically take 4–8 weeks to start working, and before mood improves, issues with hunger, sleep, and concentration frequently get better. Before determining whether a drug is good for you, it is crucial to allow it time to start working. Learn more about mental health medications

Taking an antidepressant in addition to another medicine that might help it work better, like an antipsychotic or anticonvulsant, is another option for treating depression that is resistant to treatment. To determine the function of these more recent drugs in standard practice, more investigation is required.

Do not discontinue taking an antidepressant without first consulting a healthcare professional. Antidepressant users can experience a relapse of their depression symptoms after they stop taking the drugs on their own because they feel better. When you and your doctor determine it is appropriate to stop taking a drug, which is often after 9 to 12 months, the doctor will assist you in reducing your dosage gradually and securely. Withdrawal symptoms may occur if a medicine is stopped abruptly.

Brain stimulation therapies

Brain stimulation therapy can be something to consider if psychotherapy and medicine are unable to alleviate depressive symptoms. Many forms of brain stimulation therapy are currently available, some of which the FDA has approved for the treatment of depression. For mental illnesses like depression, additional brain stimulation treatments are still in the experimental stage of research.

Despite being less common than psychotherapy and medicine, brain stimulation therapies can be quite helpful in treating mental illnesses in patients who do not respond to other forms of treatment. For the majority of mental diseases, these therapies are employed only after psychotherapy and medication have been attempted, and they are typically used in conjunction with existing treatments.

Electricity is used in brain stimulation therapy to either activate or inhibit the brain. Either electrodes inserted on the scalp or electrodes implanted in the brain provide the electricity directly or indirectly. Applying magnetic fields to the head is another way to induce the electricity.

The following are the brain stimulation treatments that have the most evidence:

  • ECT, or electroconvulsive treatment
  • Transcranial magnetic stimulation that is repeated (rTMS)
  • Stimulation of the vagus nerve (VNS)
  • Therapy for magnetic seizures (MST)
  • DBS, or deep brain stimulation

The two most popular brain stimulation treatments are rTMS and ECT, with ECT having been used for the longest. The other treatments are more recent and are still regarded as experimental in certain situations. For the treatment of particular mental illnesses, other brain stimulation techniques might also be promising.

The FDA has approved ECT, rTMS, and VNS to treat severe depression that is resistant to treatment. They can be useful for patients who have not responded to traditional forms of treatment, for those for whom drugs are unsafe, and in extreme situations requiring quick action, as when a patient is hungry, suicidal, or catatonic.

To treat depression and other mental illnesses, more forms of brain stimulation therapy are being researched. Before receiving brain stimulation therapy, discuss the possible advantages and disadvantages with your healthcare professional. To know more about brain stimulation therapies.

Which natural products can treat depression

No natural products for the treatment of depression have received FDA approval. Some people treat depression using natural products like vitamin D and the herbal dietary supplement St. John’s wort, despite the fact that research is still ongoing and results are conflicting. But there may be dangers associated with these products. Natural goods and dietary supplements, for example, may reduce the efficiency of certain pharmaceuticals or interact with them in ways that are harmful or even fatal.

Consult a healthcare professional before using vitamin D, St. John’s wort, or any other natural products or dietary supplements. The safety and efficacy of these and other natural products need to be thoroughly investigated.

One popular treatment option for those with seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is daily morning light therapy Except for those who have particular eye conditions or are taking medications that make them more sensitive to sunlight, light therapy devices are safe and significantly brighter than standard indoor lighting. Evaluation, therapy, and follow-up by a health care professional are highly suggested, as is the case with any depression interventions. Light therapy’s effectiveness for treating non-seasonal depression is still being investigated.